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String crossing, there is a VERY EASY way to FIX IT ⛳️ + Free PDF

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Hi everybody!

This week we will talk about a VERY COMMON problem among finger-style guitarists: Right-hand alternation and the 😈 devilish string crosses!

Get your copy of the exercises here:

Remember to share the video to help other guitarists in need!

I wish you happy practicing!


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Unknown member
Apr 26, 2021

Excellent exercises and explanation.

Finger independence - between the LH & RH - is hard. Whenever the LH uses the first finger, the RH wants to use i and so on. It's hard to break that connection.

I have always thougt that if you can play a scale using i-m-a-m-i then you know you have achieved independence of LH/RH.

ps: this is the best guitar channel. A few more intermediate or advanced vids would be nice, but the vlogs and content are just so enjoyable.

Muchisimas gracias,



Unknown member
Apr 25, 2021

Splendid vid and exercises, Merce!

I was exploring some flamenco picado techniques recently which is taking a similar approach.

On the other extreme end: traditional fingerstyle is often at the approach of assigning each RH finger i m a to its own string 3 2 1 as much as possible (and the p alternating the bass on 6 5 4). Like in this pattern: But of course in longer melodic sections on one string alternating is applied also.

Unknown member
May 07, 2021
Replying to

Hi Arthur! Thanks for the links! Yeah this fingerstyle video it's interesting! I mean, when you have an arpeggio formula each finger gets indeed 'assigned' to one string, but eventually one should be able to keep the formula going and jump strings sets. They also do that, I'm not sure if they teach as well how to train this :) But thank you for the videos! I love discovering other music channels! 😊

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