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Discover new music with Elective Hermit (featured)

Award-winning Irish composer Andrew Shiels has started an interesting blog called The Elective Hermit where he writes about music and artists that he finds interesting. The entries cover all genres and there’s always a link to where you can hear what he’s writing about.

The Elective Hermit can save its readers hours of searching for interesting listening and Andrew is a friend of the guitar having written several times for it.

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Unknown member
19. Okt. 2021

As Andrew Shiels said on the blog, "talent..., amazing" ...Mercè Font.

For me, she is inspiration and learning. Some weeks ago, I started with El Testament d'Amelia, Why? Because I watched and listened your wonderful video and emotive interpretation. Thanks a lot Mercè Font, with my heart!! 💖🤗

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