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Develop flexibility: Exercise for stiff fingers 🖖🏻 + FREE PDF

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Hi everybody!

This week is dedicated to all those who have asked me for some exercises for some help gaining a bit more MOBILITY and 🖖🏻 STRETCH on their fretting hand. Feeling the fingers a bit stiff can be due to several things like age, recovering from an injury, or simply because you are just getting started on guitar, but GOOD NEWS FOR YOU: this is nothing that can't be improved!

In the tutorial of this week, I will give you some progressive exercises to start to build up an efficient and comfortable left-hand technique!

🔖 You can get also the free PDF with the exercises once you know how to practice the exercises.

I wish you lots of fun, progress and good music!

Share the video with other musicians if you found it helpful! 😊


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